
Are There Health Benefits To Journaling

Are There Health Benefits To Journaling

There are so many things to do in Oceanside, that it’s easy to get sidetracked and skip a lunch. I have clients that do it all the time. Instead of lunch, they grab snacks throughout the day, without considering just how many calories or the type of food they’re eating. When I explain the health benefits to journaling and they start, not only are they amazed at how much they eat, they’re amazed at how unhealthy they eat.

Record everything you eat and drink.

With today’s technology, you can use a smartphone to track your food. There’s no need to add up calories as you go. You can always do that later. The more information you put down, the more helpful it is. If you note your mood, where you were at or the circumstances when you ate, you’ll get more insight into why you eat. For instance, if was a bad day at work and you stop and grab a candy bar, you might find you’re a stress eater. Have an apple or sweet fruit ready for those stressful times or learn a technique for coping that doesn’t require crunching.

You may be eating really healthy, but find out that what you’re drinking is the real problem.

Many people try to eat really healthily, but still can’t lose weight. They may have proof in their journaling of how healthy they’re eating, but fail to note the liquids they’re drinking with their meals. In many cases, it’s a soft drink. Soft drinks may seem innocent, but they’re not. They’re loaded with sugar and have a negative impact on your health. If you drink only one 8-ounce cup of cola with a meal, you’ll boost your calorie count by three hundred calories a day. Imagine how many calories you’ll add with those super sized drinks several times a day. Alcoholic drinks are also as high in calories per gram as fat.

Use your food journaling to find out why you feel bad.

If you find you feel great until you eat, then either get indigestion, bloating or other digestive problems, food journaling is perfect. Listing everything you eat and how you feel, both before and after a meal can help you find the offending food or drink. Rather than seeking medical attention empty handed, having a food journal with information on symptoms as they relate to food, can provide greater insight and help for your medical professional. Some people find that just by eliminating the offending food or foods, such as dairy products, they no longer feel chronically ill.

  • One important lesson from food journaling is learning what a portion size is. It’s easier to track when you find easy ways to identify portion size and will amaze you at how much you really eat.
  • Tracking your food helps you identify those small snacks you mindlessly eat throughout the day. You’ll be more aware of how many times you grabbed a handful of M&Ms or chips as you passed by the bowl or bag.
  • You’ll be able to monitor your intake of macronutrients so you can balance percentages of carbs, fat and protein.
  • One study showed that people who didn’t diet, but simply journaled lost weight over a three month period compared to people who didn’t.

Fitness Tips For Beginners

Fitness Tips For Beginners

One of the first fitness tips for beginners that I always give is that you’re not competing against anyone but yourself. You’re also not going to the gym to impress anyone, so don’t worry about getting the latest gym clothing. Wear something comfortable that also supports you through jumping jacks and pushups. Wear something that’s made of fabric that breathes and fits well. Try on the clothing before you buy it and make moves that you think mimic those you’ll do in the gym. When it’s winter, layer clothing and always make sure you have comfortable supportive shoes.

You can’t out-exercise a bad diet.

This can’t be emphasized enough. Whether you’re working out for good health, gain muscle or lose weight, what you put in your mouth is as important as how many reps you do. If you’re grabbing a large fry and a jumbo soft drink after your workout, not only are you eating over twice as many calories as you burned, you’re also eating empty calories. That type of meal not only won’t help your health, it will harm it, so you’ve gained nothing for your time in the gym. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t workout. It means you should add healthy eating to your fitness program.

Set goals for yourself.

Goal setting is so important for any beginner. That’s one reason working with a trainer is important, but you can also do it on your own. Set goals for the number of reps you want to achieve, how much weight you want to lift or how far you want to walk or run. Make it tough enough to keep it interesting, but still within your capabilities. Remember, you can break big goals down to smaller goals. In fact, it’s smart to do that to keep yourself motivated.

Don’t expect it to be easy or quick.

If your workout is a snap, you’re not working hard enough. You want to push yourself a bit. Try talking while you’re working out. It should be tough to do. There’s a workout called Karaoke spinning where you ride a bike and sing along with your favorite song at the same time. If you’re really pushing your bike riding, you’ll have a super tough time doing it. Don’t over do it initially. The first day you may be tempted to workout longer. That’s a mistake that will leave you sore. Make the first few workouts shorter and easier, working up toward your goal. Your body will thank you.

  • Make your workout an appointment. You’ll be more likely to go workout when you have a specific time and date to do it.
  • Learn the right form, no matter what type of workout you do. Doing an exercise improperly can cause injury or minimize the benefits you’ll receive.
  • Make sure you always warm up before working out and include a cool down session when your workout is over.
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Keep a bottle of water with you, particularly in warm weather, but also during the winter. Sip on the water frequently as you workout.

Great Low Fat Snacks

Great Low Fat Snacks

Fat is not the enemy, neither are carbs or any other food group. However, junk food does not constitute a food group any more than potato chips count as a vegetable. Here in Oceanside, CA, I preach about eating healthy and balanced. While foods like avocado, cheese, nuts and hard boiled eggs make great snacks, they’re also high in fat. If you’ve consumed more fat than you should throughout the day, skip these as a snack and opt for low fat snacks.

Grab some fruit for a quick low fat snack.

Whether you keep a bowl of cubed melon of any type, watermelon or cantaloupe, in the refrigerator or a bowl of cherries or grapes ready to eat, you can’t go wrong with a healthy snack of fresh fruit as a snack. It’s high in nutrients, low in calories and provides the satisfaction of a bit of natural sugar for your palate. You’ll get all the phytonutrients that normally don’t come from regular vitamins when you vary the color of the fruit, such as anthocyanins and carotenoids.

Try some low fat, low calorie mushrooms.

You’ll boost your immune system without adding fat to your diet with mushrooms. These fungi have been used as medicine for centuries by ancient civilizations and today science is finding there’s something to that belief. Either way, they’re a tasty treat. They have loads of nutrition from potassium, B vitamins and minerals to ergothioneine, an antioxidant that reduces inflammation. That can also protect you from certain types of cancer.

Go for fresh veggies with a side of hummus for dip.

Hummus is made from chickpeas, a lentil which is high in protein and low in fat. It also has tahini that’s made from ground and hulled toasted sesame seeds. Since tahini is made with olive oil, you can substitute low fat yogurt to keep your hummus lower in fat. Just use a 15-ounce can of chickpeas or garbanzo beans, garlic grushed, low fat yogurt, lemon juice, tahini or more low fat yogurt, salt, cumin and cayenne. Blend it and it’s ready from raw veggies and even mushrooms as a low fat snack everyone will love.

  • Baked sweet potato chips take some forethought and preparation, but they’re a delicious snack you’ll love.
  • Grab a glass of tart cherry juice. It will quench your thirst, help with osteoarthritis, reduce muscle soreness and is fat free.
  • Snacks made from ancient grains not only are lower in fat, they also provide protein, fiber, B-vitamins and other essential nutrients. They make you feel fuller, support your digestive tract and reduce the risk of heart disease. Always check the label for fat content. Not all are the same.
  • Wrap a piece of lean, cooked chicken breast in fresh greens. It’s the perfect snack to fill you up and provide protein.

Fitness Tips For Beginners

Fitness Tips For Beginners

Have you scrolled through all the programs on TV, procrastinating that first trip to the gym? You’re not alone. People who have never trained or haven’t trained in years are often intimidate when it comes to their first trip to start. The first of the fitness tips for beginners is to “just do it!” Don’t overthink that first visit. It won’t be anything like you thought it would be, no matter what you’re thinking. You’ll either be able to do far more than you thought or far less. If you don’t have a personal trainer, it might be time to consider one, so you know you’re pushing toward your maximum potential.

Schedule your workout and make it a habit.

You really won’t benefit much if you only exercise sporadically. In fact, you’ll probably quit going to the gym within a few months. You need to schedule your workout and treat it like a doctor’s appointment. Both are important to your health. Consistently working out at a specific time creates a habit and habits are harder to break. You’ll feel like something’s missing when you skip a workout.

Posture and form count when you’re working out.

Whether you’re lifting or doing any other type of exercise, having the right form is important. One key to having proper form is your posture. Poor posture not only can negate the benefits of your efforts, but it also can cause injury. Whether you’re doing bench presses or pushups, the key is in the details and your form. Proper form and good posture help build weak core muscles and that helps protect your spine, plus burns extra calories.

Know why you’re working out and eating healthy.

That might sound simple, but the truth is, most people have no idea why they’re doing it. They may have heard you need to workout or a friend told them to do it, but that doesn’t constitute a real reason that will keep them going to the gym when they’d rather go home or stay at home. Have a personal reason. Create goals that reflect not only why you’re working out, such as I want to lose ten pounds, but how it will improve your life and when you’re going to do it. Make the goal realistic, with a time frame and a means of achieving it.

  • Remember, it’s better to be consistent. If you’re torn between consistency and intensity—working out harder at the risk of burning out, stick with consistency.
  • Enjoy your workout. It’s hard enough to get yourself to go to the gym, let alone face a boring, horrible workout. Not all workouts will be fun, but they should be satisfying and not boring.
  • Start slowly and build on your progress. If you rip up the gym the first night, but can’t walk for two weeks, what did you really accomplish? Start slowly. Setting the right pace is one of the advantages of having a trainer.
  • Make sure you have a warm up and a cool down time. Warm-ups can help prevent injury. Stretching after a workout can help relax your muscles.

The Benefits Of A Workout Partner

The Benefits Of A Workout Partner

If you’ve ever wondered what the benefits of a workout partner are, you probably aren’t working with a personal trainer. A trainer is the ultimate workout partner. Whether you workout with a personal trainer or a workout partner, you’re accountable for showing up at the gym. On those overcast winter days when going home sounds like the best idea, you’ll still go for your workout because you have an appointment to meet with someone.

Whether you run as your workout or press weights, working with a partner keeps you safer.

Are you a jogger? It doesn’t matter whether you jog early in the morning or after work, during the winter it’s dark both times and that can be dangerous for a jogger. Even if it’s not dark, having a friend with you can keep you safe. Whether you worry about injury on the path, an accident or even a mugger, two are always safer than one. If one is injured the other one can get help. In the gym, especially when working with weights where a spotter keeps you safer, a workout buddy can point out problems with your form to help avoid injury.

There’s no doubt about it, we’re all performers.

Everyone at one time or another added a little extra pep or enthusiasm into a job when they thought someone was watching. It’s human nature. Having a workout partner can do the same for you in the gym. Whether you actively compete with your workout partner, try harder because you don’t want to look like a duffer or simply put on a show, performing better than you would on your own, the partner drives you. Several studies have been conducted on the effects of a workout partner. Ne showed that the workout was longer when people worked as a team. The funny part is that the partner didn’t even have to be human. It could be a virtual partner.

You’ll try more new exercises.

There’s power in numbers, especially when it comes to trying new things. While you might be intimidated in trying a new workout if you were on your own, trying it with a friend makes it easier. If you’re reluctant to sign up for a different type of workout class, or any group workout for that matter, doing it with a friend takes away some of the intimidation.

  • An exercise buddy can bring new workout ideas to your exercise time and provide a more varied workout. They even can provide healthy food ideas if you’re working on eating healthy.
  • You’ll be pushed further and faster if you have a workout partner. While you should never try to push yourself beyond the point of having good form, people often make it too easy on themselves when they workout alone. A partner won’t let you do that.
  • A workout partner can provide support when things aren’t progressing as well as they should. They also can call you on those times you’ve skipped workouts.
  • A workout partner can be fun. Enjoying your workout isn’t always natural. It can be tough and make you sweat! When you have company doing it, it makes it far more fun.

How's Your Sex Drive?

How’s Your Sex Drive?

Having a healthy sex drive is not only a sign of good health, but also an aid to improving your health. Sex stimulates the brain to produce oxytocin. It’s called the cuddle hormone or the love hormone for obvious reasons. This hormone promotes bonding with sexual partners and also improves sleep. If your partner dozes off right after sex, it probably means they’ve experienced an orgasm, since the hormone is released during it. It not only boosts intimacy, it provides relief from pain. Oxytocin also provides other health benefits that occur during an orgasm.

If you workout, your sex drive improves.

Ironically, the fitter you are, the more improved your sex drive is. Exercising on a regular basis can reduce the daily stress that can be a real mood killer. It also helps reduce depression, another mood killer. It also improves performance by boosting endurance, strength and flexibility. It stimulates circulation, too. Studies show that both women and men who workout regularly tend to have an increase in physiological sexual arousal. Exercise also makes you feel sexier and more attractive.

All those hearts denoting romantic love aren’t just about romance.

Sex is heart healthy. It helps lower blood pressure. There’s a lot of exercise that leads to an orgasm and all that activity can lower the systolic blood pressure number. Sex raises your heart rate, just like exercising does, and helps maintain the balance of estrogen and testosterone. That’s important since an imbalance can lead to health problems ranging from heart disease to osteoporosis. One study consisted of men who had sexual relations twice a week and another group that rarely had it. Those who were more active in the bedroom had half the incidence of heart disease.

Get rid of the stresses of the day with exercise, which includes sex.

Just like a workout at the gym, sex also provides a workout that burns of hormones of stress. Stress is a killer that contributes or causes so many conditions and diseases. While you might go to the gym and burn off those hormones, there’s no harm in doing it twice. In fact, sex can be the quite complementary with the additional hormones it provides, such as oxytocin.

  • When you workout, you stimulate your brain to produce endorphins. These not only help your body become healthier, they also stimulate the release of sex hormones that make you more primed for the bedroom.
  • Sex can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men and strengthen the pelvic floor in women to maintain bladder control.
  • Is it cold season? Time to fight the flu and colds with sex. It helps boost the immune system.
  • Women who exercise tend to be more sensitive to touch and stimuli, while men showed improved sexual performance and orgasms.

Staying Motivated Through The Holidays

Staying Motivated Through The Holidays

If you’re like most of my clients, staying motivated through the holidays is tough. There’s a lot to do and exercising seems like the last thing on your list. To make it even worse, healthy eating is often put on hold. Every party, office kitchen and even home seems to have high calorie, high sugar treats that flaunt themselves at you until it’s hard not to sabotage your weight loss program because of their appeal. Here are some holiday tips that can help you make it through without weight gain and even some weight loss.

Create a schedule.

There’s a lot to do and so little time, make sure the most important things are finished and if there’s time left, enjoy it. Your workout should be the first thing you fill in on your schedule. It burns off the stress of the holidays and leaves you with more energy. Consider it as you would any medication. It has to be used on a regular basis to do any good. Block out your gym time first! Things will come up, so leave a block of time every day for the unexpected. You can always use it for little tasks you hoped to accomplish later.

Balance healthy eating and some indulgence.

You don’t have to feel deprived over the holidays, you just have to be a little restrained. Eating healthy most of the time and indulging in your favorite treats occasionally can improve your holiday mood and won’t take a huge toll on your weight loss or health goals. Fill up on the healthiest options at parties, but save a little room for one or two small servings of your favorite treats. Eat healthy meals at home and save the cheat days for parties.

Get plenty of sleep.

Yep, it is the time to be merry, but also the time to be exhausted. Trying to find the right gifts, decorating the house, preparing treats and meals for guests can take a lot out of you. It can mean working late into the night, too. How can you sleep with so much to do? Get help from your family or do less. Prioritize and give yourself a curfew at parties. Create a schedule that includes a consistent bedtime. When you get adequate sleep, you’re far more likely to go to the gym and far less likely to try to boost your energy level with sugary treats.

  • Stay hydrated. Drinking a cold glass of water is far easier when the sun is shining and it’s hot. When it’s rainy and chilly, people often miss the cue that they’re thirsty. In fact, they often mistake it for hunger. Drink plenty of water throughout the holiday season.
  • Prepare twice as much for dinner and store meals in the freezer for the next week or plan meals that use the leftovers.
  • Have healthy snacks already prepared in the refrigerator. Veggies and dips, cut fresh fruit and other delights can be ready for those times when you want to nibble.
  • Have short workouts ready to use. For those super packed days, be prepared with a workout you can do anywhere that takes ten to fifteen minutes. You can get as much benefit from three ten minute workouts as you can from a 30 minute one.

Do You Want 6-Pack Abs ?

Do You Want 6-Pack Abs ?

If you always dreamed of 6-pack abs, don’t dismay. It’s possible to get them, but not easy. It’s often on of the first things clients at my Oceanside, CA gym say they want to achieve, but there are steps to reaching that goal. It’s more than just doing a few ab exercises. You have to reduce the body fat that covers them so they show. Some people, approximately half the population, will have problems getting a six-pack that shows. That’s because they’re women. Women generally have higher healthy body fat levels than men, so men can safely reduce their body fat low enough for the definition of the abs to show.

It takes a healthy diet to start the process.

One important phrase I heard early in my career was, “Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.” It was true then and is still true. Not only do you have to have a diet that helps lower your body fat, it should also boost building lean muscle tissue. A diet with healthy lean protein not only provides the nutrients for building muscle tissue, but also helps burn fat. That accomplishes two goals at once.

It’s more than just quality protein that helps build those abs and eliminates fat so you can see them.

You need a well rounded diet. Even though carbs are associated with gaining weight, you do need them. Meals high in vegetables should be part of your diet. After a workout, you can eat natural grains or starchy carbohydrates, like sweet potatoes. They have a much better chance of being used as fuel, rather than turning to fat. Eating healthy fat is important too. Healthy fat includes nut butters and nuts, avocado, butter from grass fed cows, fish oil and olive oil. They help keep insulin levels from dramatically fluctuating, which helps shed abdominal fat.

Go for core exercises, rather than focusing on crunches.

First, working out your entire body builds muscles and muscles burn fat! Core exercises are different from the traditional abdominal workouts like sit-ups, leg lifts and crunches and far better. They keep your spine stable and in natural alignment. Core exercises include planks, roll outs and even the old stand-by, push-ups. Core exercises help you burn more calories to expose those great abs.

  • You’ll get better results doing core exercises at the first of your workout, when your muscles aren’t tired, than you will doing them at the end.
  • If you want to do a plank that gets good results, it’s all about form. You have to keep your spine aligned and make sure you squeeze your glutes and core muscles in the process.
  • You don’t have to spend hours on working your abs or core. It only takes about 3 to 4 sets of a couple of core exercises that should give you a workout, but not make you tired. Then do other exercises. The core exercises will get your core muscles working harder during the rest of the workout.
  • Try this combination to feel the burn; do 30 seconds of each—sit ups, a 30 second push up plank, V-sit push out, V-sit hold, leg raise, push up position hold with a final set of push ups.

Importance Of Consistent Sleep Schedule

Importance Of Consistent Sleep Schedule

If you’ve spent long hours during the week, thinking you’ll catch up on the weekend, you are on the road to failure. The truth is, you really can’t catch up on sleep in two days. The importance of consistent sleep schedule should make it one of your top priorities. You probably already work out and maintain a healthy diet, but fail when it comes to getting adequate sleep. That can take its toll on your health. Not everyone needs eight hours of sleep, some need more, while others can function on as little as six, but if you’re tired during the day, you’re either getting poor quality sleep or not enough.

Losing weight is easier if you’re getting enough sleep.

When you don’t get enough sleep, it puts the body in stress mode. You’ve probably felt that fight inside to stay awake. Those stress hormones include cortisone, which is linked to abdominal fat. It also can cause other hormonal problems, such as creating too much of the hormone that makes you feel hungry and the too little of the one that makes you feel full. Lack of sleep can also make you crave instant energy and that means sugar. Where there’s a super spike in sugar levels, there’s a super dip. If you succumb to the urge to eat sugar it can set of the roller coaster effect that increases calories as you try to get more energy.

Sleep allows your brain to work on organization.

During the day, your brain is busy with the many sights, sounds and thoughts of the day. At night it’s cleaning time for your brain and time to organize. The brain needs to create neural pathways for memory that link the thoughts with feelings, associations and sensory input. If you don’t get enough sleep that doesn’t happen and your memory suffers.

Just like the brain, the body needs sleep to heal and renew.

Sleep does more than just make you feel better. It’s the time for the body to heal. Not only do the stress hormones created from lack of sleep affect your weight, they damage the body, too. Stress hormones are also linked to inflammation, which is damaging for the body. It’s linked to heart disease, diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s. You’ll stay healthier and heal faster when you get adequate sleep.

  • When you get too little sleep, you’ll look older. It slows the process of cell rejuvenation and allows more cell damage. That’s linked to aging.
  • Be aware that while getting too little sleep is bad, so is getting too much. It may indicate an illness or depression. Keeping a regular schedule can help avoid this.
  • Some people find a quick nap during the day can help give them an energy boost, while also offsetting a deficit during the night. Those power naps you hear about are real.
  • Make sure your sleep area is conducive to restful sleep. Keep it dark and free from electronic devices. If you absolutely need the TV on to fall asleep, get a timer to shut it off.

Does Your Posture Matter

Does Your Posture Matter

If you’ve ever noticed your posture when everything is going wrong or you’re feeling miserable, you’ll probably notice it’s not it’s best and you have that “hang dog” appearance. Good posture makes a huge difference in how people perceive you. If you walk straight and tall, you’ll look confident. Even if you’re not confident, that look can help you in every walk of life. There’s also a saying, “Fake it until you can make it.” Looking confident allows you to build that confidence.

Check out how clothing fits you when you’re standing straight and tall, compared to slumping.

If you didn’t believe that poor posture made you look heavier, put on an outfit that makes you look great and stand in front of the mirror. Now slouch into poor posture position. You’ll see a noticeable difference in how you look and how that clothing fits. Good posture stretches the body and gives clean lines. It causes your stomach to look flatter and your chest look firmer and more prominent.

Good posture has other benefits besides just those for appearance.

When you body is properly aligned for good posture, it helps reduce the potential for abnormal wear and tear on the joints and spine. It allows joints and bones to be in the correct position for the muscles to work properly. Good posture means good alignment and that translates to reduced effort for everyday tasks. That prevents fatigue. Most of all, it helps reduce back and muscle pain.

In order to achieve good posture, you need to pull your shoulders back.

When you’re standing tall, your chin is parallel to the floor with shoulders back. You can get your shoulders into position by first rolling them up, then back and finally down. Your head should be level. One way to check is to make sure earlobes are directly in line with the shoulders. Don’t overarch the back and keep your arms to the side with your elbows even and straight. Your tummy should be tucked in with knees and hips even. Finally, your body weight should be on the balls of the foot with the weight evenly distributed to your feet.

  • Poor posture can occur from bad habits, stress, obesity, tight muscles or pregnancy. Muscle weakness is also a cause. That’s why people often walk taller as they get stronger with exercise.
  • If you have acid reflux or digestive problems, try improving your posture and see if it helps. Constipation can even be helped by improving posture.
  • Poor posture can cause headaches. It even can cause a condition that makes you feel like your hands and arms are asleep. They tingle. Doing stretches can help improve posture to avoid this.
  • Poor posture can promote arthritis. Since bad posture promotes damage to the joints, that can lead to developing arthritis or at least a contributing factor.