Are There Health Benefits To Journaling
There are so many things to do in Oceanside, that it’s easy to get sidetracked and skip a lunch. I have clients that do it all the time. Instead of lunch, they grab snacks throughout the day, without considering just how many calories or the type of food they’re eating. When I explain the health benefits to journaling and they start, not only are they amazed at how much they eat, they’re amazed at how unhealthy they eat.
Record everything you eat and drink.
With today’s technology, you can use a smartphone to track your food. There’s no need to add up calories as you go. You can always do that later. The more information you put down, the more helpful it is. If you note your mood, where you were at or the circumstances when you ate, you’ll get more insight into why you eat. For instance, if was a bad day at work and you stop and grab a candy bar, you might find you’re a stress eater. Have an apple or sweet fruit ready for those stressful times or learn a technique for coping that doesn’t require crunching.
You may be eating really healthy, but find out that what you’re drinking is the real problem.
Many people try to eat really healthily, but still can’t lose weight. They may have proof in their journaling of how healthy they’re eating, but fail to note the liquids they’re drinking with their meals. In many cases, it’s a soft drink. Soft drinks may seem innocent, but they’re not. They’re loaded with sugar and have a negative impact on your health. If you drink only one 8-ounce cup of cola with a meal, you’ll boost your calorie count by three hundred calories a day. Imagine how many calories you’ll add with those super sized drinks several times a day. Alcoholic drinks are also as high in calories per gram as fat.
Use your food journaling to find out why you feel bad.
If you find you feel great until you eat, then either get indigestion, bloating or other digestive problems, food journaling is perfect. Listing everything you eat and how you feel, both before and after a meal can help you find the offending food or drink. Rather than seeking medical attention empty handed, having a food journal with information on symptoms as they relate to food, can provide greater insight and help for your medical professional. Some people find that just by eliminating the offending food or foods, such as dairy products, they no longer feel chronically ill.
- One important lesson from food journaling is learning what a portion size is. It’s easier to track when you find easy ways to identify portion size and will amaze you at how much you really eat.
- Tracking your food helps you identify those small snacks you mindlessly eat throughout the day. You’ll be more aware of how many times you grabbed a handful of M&Ms or chips as you passed by the bowl or bag.
- You’ll be able to monitor your intake of macronutrients so you can balance percentages of carbs, fat and protein.
- One study showed that people who didn’t diet, but simply journaled lost weight over a three month period compared to people who didn’t.