If you’ve considered going to one of the bootcamps in Oceanside, look for a boot camp that helps you live a healthier life and focuses on changes you can make to maintain a fitter body. While any extra exercise you get is good, continuing to live a healthier lifestyle that includes exercise, even after the boot camp ends, should be the ultimate goal. Just like you don’t clean your house and expect it to remain clean forever, you can’t participate in a program of exercise and expect the results to last forever.
Personal trainers help you at a boot camp.
If you’ve never used the services of a personal trainer, you might think they’re only for the rich, movie stars or professional athletes. That’s just not true. The services of a personal trainer can help anyone, whether you’re overweight or in great shape. Trainers provide a program based on each individual’s fitness level, goals and special needs. Special needs may include physical limitations, such as hip or back problems or other health issues, which might require modifying the form of an exercise or the amount of exercise done.
Each person may look like they’re doing the same workout, but each person will do something different.
While everyone may be doing push-ups, not everyone will be doing the same thing. Some will have a different form based on their fitness level, such as bent knee push-ups for those less fit or one armed push-ups for fitter individuals. Some will be doing more repetitions, while others will be doing the workout with more intensity. Each person’s workout will be based on his or her ability.
Trainers can also help you learn how to eat healthier.
No matter how much you workout, if you don’t fuel your body properly, you won’t see the results you want. People who are trying to lose weight and grab a burger, fries and shake after the workout may actually gain weight. It’s all about calories in vs calories burned. You simply can’t out exercise bad eating habits. Even if you eat fewer calories, if you don’t have the nutrients you require, you won’t be doing your body any favors either.
A boot camp can be a great place to jump start a fitness program. You’ll learn how to do exercises correctly and how to put them together for a healthy program that can keep you fit.
A boot camp can provide great motivation to workout. It’s a scheduled time with exercise that you’re more likely to attend than just a plan to go to the gym.
There’s a lot of friendships formed at a boot camp. People are all working toward similar goals and provide encouragement to achieve goals.
You’ll get a bargain if you attend a boot camp, since everyone shares in the cost of the trainer’s time. That means it’s less per person.
Let me preface this with the fact that I am not a group class person, at all. I decided to try Boot Camp after meeting Forrest at a health fair at my office.
I absolutely love boot camp. Every day the workouts are different, the trainers have very unique training styles and I get incredible workouts every time. They are innovative and supportive. They are also versatile. When I told them my knees hurt, they gave me alternative things to do during boot camp. Also, the same folks tend to go to boot camp at the same time so you get a great group dynamic going.
I can’t say enough about this boot camp or these trainers, they really jump started my weight loss, exercise routine and healthy lifestyle. (every December I stop going to the gym and eat myself into a coma).
I wish all personal trainers were as good as these guys.
I am now 40 years old, in a size 0 with 19% body fat!
I began working with Forrest at 36 years old, weighing 132 lbs in a size 6, at about 27% body fat and the self esteem of a wall flower. I am now 40 years old, weigh 108, in a size 0, 19% body fat and am confidant that I will remain that way for life! THANK YOU!!
I tend to lose interest quickly in any type of exercise program, but with Forrest’s encouragement and the daily change in routine, I actually look forward to getting my ass kicked!
The personalized attention alone is a real bonus! But what I really love about this camp is that there is no yelling, just fun and encouragement. All instructors emphasize proper technique and take notice of each of their students by correcting form or giving alternative exercises to people with injuries or limitations.
Like any workout, you get what you put in so if you apply yourself, go to all your sessions and eat sensibly, you’ll see results fast!.
In 6 weeks I lost about 19 pounds, a few inches in my hips and shoulders, and a total of 9 inches in two parts of my waist. My clothes that were once tight are now loose. Immersing myself in information about healthy-living and being fit and surrounding myself with like-minded people made being healthy and feeling great about myself possible.
I lost 30 lbs through dieting alone, then my results stopped!
Then I came to Way of Life boot camp and I incinerated another 30 lbs off her body for a total of 60 lbs off fat loss!!
I lost 14 lbs and 6% bodyfat in just 6 weeks!
I hate to work out but these guys actually make it fun! Recently I realized I hate machines I mean every second feels like an hour so I decided to try this bootcamp wow! Not only have I lost inches and weight, but I feel great and actually enjoy working out!
The people that take the classes are full of energy and are incredibly friendly.
Also, if you tell the trainers you have a problem, they remember and check in on you to make sure things are going well. You go at your own pace (no yelling or screaming here) but they want you to push yourself to get to the next level. They are always checking in and seem to genuinely care about your progress.
Can’t recommend Way Of Life Boot Camp enough. Great people, great workout!
It has taken me forever to find a place I can go and actually have fun while losing weight! HA! I found it! If you are looking to lose weight, tone up and feel really good about yourself again, then YOU MUST JOIN! Forrest (the owner) is a great guy, and will work with you to understand your goals, weight loss, fitness plan, etc. In fact, all the trainers are determined to kick your booty into shape! They are super motivating, tons of fun, and if you can believe it, all of us boot campers are having a fabulous time working out together! I’m hooked’trust me, you will be too.
In 6 weeks I lost about 19 pounds, a few inches in my hips and shoulders, and a total of 9 inches in two parts of my waist. My clothes that were once tight are now loose. Immersing myself in information about healthy-living and being fit and surrounding myself with like-minded people made being healthy and feeling great about myself possible.
I hate to work out but these guys actually make it fun! Recently I realized I hate machines I mean every second feels like an hour so I decided to try this bootcamp wow! Not only have I lost inches and weight, but I feel great and actually enjoy working out!
The people that take the classes are full of energy and are incredibly friendly.
Also, if you tell the trainers you have a problem, they remember and check in on you to make sure things are going well. You go at your own pace (no yelling or screaming here) but they want you to push yourself to get to the next level.They are always checking in and seem to genuinely care about your progress.
Can’t recommend Way Of Life Boot Camp enough.Great people, great workout!
I learned that a healthier mind, body and spirit could help you to not just escape for an hour a day but to live every day in control of what you want. I began working with Forrest at 36 years old, weighing 132 lbs in a size 6, at about 27% body fat and the self esteem of a wall flower. I am now 40 years old, weigh 108, in a size 0, 19% body fat and am confidant that I fitness has become a WAY OF LIFE!
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Bootcamps In Oceanside