
Discover The Hidden You

Discover The Hidden You

You’ll be amazed at all the benefits a program of regular exercise can bring. It can even help discover the hidden you. Of course, part of that hidden you is a dazzling body, improved strength and great flexibility, but there’s even more from great bonuses from exercising on a regular basis. The first is the surge in confidence you get, both from feeling stronger and looking fit. Exercising helps improve your posture, so you’ll actually walk with more authority and look more confident in the process.

The hidden you will receive a brain boost from exercising.

That’s right! People who workout improve their memory and ability to learn. In fact, several studies show that exercise can help reduce the risk and even prevent Alzheimer’s disease. It boosts the blood flow to the brain and helps maintain healthy brain cells. It also causes the body to trigger create more brain-derived neurotrophic factor—BDNF, which stimulates the creation of neurons and protects or repairs the cells of the brain.

Exercise helps burn off the stress hormones created throughout the day.

Have you had a bad day at the office or were the kids or traffic driving you crazy? Don’t scream at the driver in front of you, go to the gym and start feeling great again. When you’re under stress, your body creates hormones that prepare you for fighting or running away. They create changes in the body that left unchecked, can create potential harm. Working out tricks your body into thinking it fought or ran, so the hormones burn off and you go back to a calmer you, that feels great.

Rev up your immune system with exercise.

Sure mom always told you that chicken soup and rest is good for what ails you and she’d be right. Chicken soup does have curative powers and rest is always good for colds and flu, but she’d also be wrong if you had a chronic condition. HIIT workouts, based on a person’s fitness level can help a number of chronic conditions. It can aid in controlling conditions that range from heart failure to type 2 diabetes. One study showed that after a stroke, recovery was quicker when exercise was part of their program. It even helped people with COPD.

  • That hidden you may be a lot happier than you think. When you exercise, the body releases hormones that make you feel happier and at peace.
  • Of course, the hidden you is not only confident, the hidden you has the perfect body that has lean muscle mass and greater endurance.
  • The hidden you has more agility and greater balance, so you’re far more graceful than you ever were before you started exercising. It also builds hand eye coordination.
  • Exercise helps your body improve its fat burning ability. It boosts your metabolism as it breaks down fat cells for fuel. Losing weight is far easier after just one year of regular exercise.

Are There Dangers With A Plant Based Diet

Are There Dangers With A Plant Based Diet

There is a lot of talk about how healthy a plant based diet is, but few articles about the dangers with a plant based diet. If you have all the facts, you don’t have to worry about these dangers, but too often people don’t do thorough research and create their own diet without paying attention to the nutrition it contains. One of the biggest pitfalls of going vegan—plant based—is the potential to miss out on valuable nutrients. Lack of adequate protein and mineral and/or vitamin deficiencies can take their toll if there’s not adequate meal planning.

If the diet contains no milk, eggs, fish or other animal protein sources, getting adequate protein takes a toll on the body.

Your body needs protein from somewhere and unless you’re planning your diet right, that somewhere could be from your own stores from the muscle tissue. That can mean less protein to rebuild muscle tissue tears and ultimately lead to loss of muscle strength. It’s not impossible to get a full supply of the protein you need, but you do need to make sure your diet contains plant sources, such as legumes, lentils, beans, seeds, nuts, tofu, pea protein and tempeh. To build muscle, you need about 30 g of protein and 3 g of leucine (an amino acid used to build muscles). You might have to eat more protein rich calories in the plant based world to get as much as you would if you ate animal products and need to be more careful with other food intake to account for the extra calories.

Vitamin B12 deficiencies are also a risk for those on a plant based diet.

Since B12 is only available in animal based foods, which includes eggs, meat, poultry and dairy, you may find you’re facing some scary symptoms, such as fatigue, numbness, tingling, memory problems and anemia. Taking a vitamin B12 supplement may be one way to overcome the problem. Other potential nutritional shortages include vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium and iron. However, these are far easier to include in the diet. If you live in a warm area, just getting a half hour of sun daily can help fill the vitamin D void. Walnuts, chia seed and Brussel sprouts provide omega-3 fatty acids, use bok choy or kale for calcium and dark leafy vegetables as a source of iron.

Seriously, not all plant based foods are healthy.

Sugar comes from plants, it’s not a boost to your body. Dairy free snacks, such as ice cream, won’t make the cut either. Those lucious fries made with potatoes and fried in plant based oil are definitely not on the list. Just because it’s vegan, doesn’t make it healthy. You’ll see all types of hype when you go to the grocery, which lulls unsuspecting people into buying products and then patting themselves on the back for eating them. Gluten free, dairy free, vegetable based and other catch phrases don’t make the product healthy, the nutrients they contain and the chemicals or empty calories they don’t contain are what makes them healthy.

  • Going vegan doesn’t mean you’ll automatically lose weight. Protein is filling and if you’re not getting enough, you’ll fill the empty spot with carbs that can pack on the pounds.
  • Anyone that goes full force into a vegan or plant based diet, needs to be aware of the potential for lots and lots of gas because of higher fiber content. Start slowly and gradually add more fiber.
  • A healthy plant based diet can lower your risk of heart disease by 25 percent. An unhealthy one, which contains sweets, fried vegetables, soda and refined grains, increased the likelihood of heart disease by 32 percent.
  • If you decide to go plant based for health, rather than for other reasons, one alternative to totally plant based diets is lacto-ovo vegetarian diet first and learn the nutritional content of food, then slowly switch to strictly plant-based/vegan.

Black Band Testing this Thursday, for Mitzi, Foti, Wendy, and Cindy!! Join us!!

This Thursday at Way Of Life Boot Camp in Oceanside, CA, we have our 3rd ever Black Band Testing and Promotion event!!

We’d like to say good luck to Mitzi, Foti, Wendy, and Cindy who are testing!!

The test is based upon years of training the body, mind, and spirit at the Way Of Life Boot Camp.  The test is a 4-hour “exam”  testing each individual to push themselves past their perceived inner barriers and

Peak State Performance in 2015

Going through the Way Of Life 21-Day Detox challenge this past round, I felt amazing!!! My energy levels were way up there, I felt in integrity with myself because I was eating all the right foods, and I lost about 7 lbs of belly flab so it felt good to be able to see my abs again.

Start feeling better and losing weight NOW…don’t wait until after 2015!!

If you’re like most people, this is the time of year where health and fitness takes a back seat to pumpkin spice lattes, holiday cookies, baked treats, and less exercise.

It’s no wonder that the average American gains between 7 and 10 lbs between Thanksgiving and New Years Day!

This means that most people crawl into the New Year feeling lethargic, bloated, feeling a bit disgusted with themselves.


Our philosophy during this time of year is that while everyone else is gaining weight, we’re losing weight to feel great going into the New Year!

By 2015 we want to have energy levels that are through the roof and feel great about our body.  We know about the New Years Resolutions trap…we see it every year!  The gyms get packed from January to mid-February, then all of a sudden that well-intentioned New Years Resolution falls to the side.  It’s no wonder that more and more people are giving up on resolutions altogether because they just result in frustration.

So what we’re doing here at Way Of Life Boot Camp is we are hosting a WORLD-WIDE WAY OF LIFE 21-DAY DETOX CHALLENGE!